C. elegans mRNA-seq Service

mRNA sequencing (mRNA-seq) is a powerful and widely used technology that provides a comprehensive analysis of the transcriptome, the complete messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules present in a cell or organism at a specific point in time. CD BioSciences is proud to offer cutting-edge services in the field of C. elegans research. With advanced sequencing technology, we provide C. elegans mRNA-seq services to clients worldwide, helping researchers obtain the most valuable information.

Introduction to C. elegans mRNA-seq

mRNA play an important role in gene expression and are responsible for carrying genetic information from DNA to the ribosome. The nucleotide sequences in mRNAs correspond to the coding sequences of genes and determine the amino acid sequences in proteins. In the last decades, RNA sequencing has made significant progress and has become the premier method for analyzing the transcriptome. The transition from bulk RNA sequencing to single-molecular, single-cell, and spatial transcriptome methods has facilitated the integration of individual cell resolution with spatial information, leading to enhanced accuracy. The rapid development of RNA-seq technology has not only saved time and cost, but also provided valuable leads for many new areas of research, where the main goal of mRNA sequencing is to comprehensively analyze the transcriptome of biological samples.

The development timeline of RNA sequencing technologies.Fig.1 The development timeline of RNA sequencing technologies. (Hong M, et al., 2020)

As a valuable model organism, C. elegans is widely used in various research fields such as developmental biology, neuroscience, aging, and genetics. With the powerful C. elegans mRNA sequencing technology, it allows researchers to investigate and quantify the gene expression levels of all transcripts (mRNA) in each time sample.

Our Services

CD BioSciences provides C. elegans mRNA-seq services to passionate researchers utilizing expertise in C. elegans bioinformatics and advanced sequencing technologies. Our services help researchers gain valuable insights into C. elegans gene expression patterns, selective splicing events, and overall regulatory landscape, enabling researchers to gain a deeper understanding of cellular processes, disease mechanisms, and other biological phenomena.

Workflow of Our Services

Workflow of Our Services

C. elegans Culture

Workflow of Our Services  
Workflow of Our Services

C. elegans Lysis and RNA Extraction

Workflow of Our Services  
Workflow of Our Services

cDNA Synthesis

Workflow of Our Services  
Workflow of Our Services

cDNA Library Prep

Workflow of Our Services  
Workflow of Our Services


Workflow of Our Services  
Workflow of Our Services

Data analysis

  • Gene Expression Quantification
  • Differential Gene Expression

Why Choose CD BioSciences?

Expertise and Experience

Expertise and Experience

 Cutting-edge Technology

Cutting-edge Technology

Comprehensive Data Analysis

Comprehensive Data Analysis

Customized Solutions

Customized Solutions

mRNA-seq helps researchers study the expression and abundance of RNA molecules in biological samples. Whether you are exploring gene regulation or studying disease models, CD BioSciences provides you with high-quality C. elegans mRNA sequencing services that are confidently designed to advance your research and meet your specific needs. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please feel free to contact us , and we look forward to collaborating on your attractive projects


  1. Hong M, Tao S, Zhang L, et al. RNA sequencing: new technologies and applications in cancer research[J]. Journal of hematology & oncology, 2020, 13(1): 1-16.
For research use only.

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